How you’ll benefit from an EV solar-ready charger

Everything EV | 15 May 2024

Charging your electric vehicle (EV) at home is less costly, more convenient and better for the environment than using public charge points. But you’ll benefit even more with an EV solar-powered charger

A connected home solar system provides emission-free energy. By conveniently aligning your EV charging with daylight hours, you can take full advantage of the abundant solar energy available.

Not only does this increase your use of free renewable energy but it also reduces–or removes–your dependence on grid electricity. The result? Lower energy bills and less carbon impact than with a conventional battery charger. 

Plus, if your solar system is equipped with energy storage capacity, you can still charge your car once the sun is set, clouds are grey, or in the event of a grid power outage. That’s because you can pass solar electricity from your rooftop panels into a battery storage unit to be accessed whenever you need it. Convenient much? We think so!

Yet while these are the generally touted benefits of plugging in at home with solar power, there are some other specific advantages that you should know about. Let’s have a closer look. 

Predictive Analytics

Solar home EV chargers with smart features such as the Powerverse VCHRGD are typically equipped with predictive charge calculation technology. This enables you to optimise your charging schedule based on various factors such as grid energy demand, electricity rates and household usage.

By leveraging these predictive analytics, you can ensure that your EV is charged at the most cost-effective times and maximise the use of solar energy when it’s available. This helps to ensure you can balance your energy between your home and EV.

So, not only do you save money but it helps you make better use of the 100% renewable energy you’re generating–a win for you and the planet!

Solar Exporting

Another significant benefit of solar EV charging is the ability for homeowners to export excess solar energy to the national grid. This can occur when you’ve generated more sun-soaked electricity than you can use.

As a means of reaching its net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050,  the UK government launched the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme in January 2020. Under this scheme, energy companies offer tariffs for the excess low-carbon energy you export to the national grid. 

You do have to meet some qualifying criteria, including having a smart meter. This is where smart meters can make the difference. Monitoring and measuring your energy usage in real-time, a next-gen smart meter automatically sends these readings to your SEG licensee. How easy is that?

Of course, the amount of money you stand to scoop per year through solar exporting depends on your energy supplier. Typically, you can expect to earn anything between 2-35p per kWh. The disparity is because there are no set rates for a SEG tariff supplier. However, by choosing wisely, you could end up adding between £165 – £400 a year to your wallet. 

Here are some of the energy suppliers’ solar tariffs currently available:

Source: Information sourced from CRG Direct 

Further Incentives

The SEG isn’t the only incentive for UK homeowners to charge their EVs through solar panels. Currently, several solar panel grants are available to encourage more house owners and renters to adopt solar power and help slice a chunk off their household bills in the process. Please note, these grants are dependent on your household income and the type of benefits you may receive.

Additionally, residential properties in England, Scotland, and Wales may also be eligible for a zero VAT rate on their supply and installation of solar panels. 

Get future-proofed now

Along with cutting cost and carbon, and the added convenience of managing, monitoring and optimising your energy use through smart tech, there’s another great reason to opt for a solar-ready EV charger. This is true even if you don’t have panels installed right now. It’s simply that our future is solar-powered. 

There has been a surge in solar power adoption rates over the last decade. According to the International Energy Agency, by next year, solar energy will have overtaken hydropower as the most relied-upon renewable resource and is set to surpass coal and gas in global electricity generation by 2027. 

The UK government is committed to fully decarbonising its electricity supplies by 2035. That means, along with the initiatives it’s offering ordinary householders, it’s also supporting major technological advancements to increase the effectiveness of channeling energy from the sun. 

All of this has the added advantage of helping to bring down the overall cost of installing solar panels at home. 

Taking all of this onboard, opting for a solar-powered EV charger makes sense. It will set you up now for the future, helping you sidestep the stress and expense of upgrading your charger at a later date. 

Find out more about Solar-Ready Chargers and Solar Panels

So, if you’re interested in getting fit for the future, check out our solar-ready VCHRGD Seven charger. Rigorously tested, it’s compatible with all other sustainable tech and has been approved by the Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles.

Additionally, if you’re considering installing solar panels, we’d be more than happy to recommend several trusted partners who can provide and install them for you. The main features you need to look out for are efficiency, compatibility, quality and warranty. 


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